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Rafael at MIT

Rafael Escamilla

Assistant Professor


About Me

Assistant Professor at the W.P. Carey School of Business, at Arizona State University. I completed my PhD degree in the School of Economics and Management at Tilburg University and in Kühne Logistics University. I investigate grocery retail operations in emerging markets, through field experiments and econometric techniques. I hold a Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a Master of Science (Diplôme d'Ingénieur) from the Université de Technologie de Troyes and a Bachelor of Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey. 



Published Work

  • Abdulla, H., Escamilla, R. & Oliva, R. Registered Reports Review for Field Experiments, (editorial forthcoming in Journal of Operations Management)

  • Villa, S., Escamilla, R. & Fransoo, J. C. Supplying Cash-Constrained Retailers: Understanding Shopkeeper Behavior at the Bottom of the Pyramid, (Manufacturing & Service Operations Management) - Link​​

First place, INFORMS Behavioral Operations Management's 2022 Best Working Paper Competition

  • Escamilla, R., Fransoo, J. C. & Mogollon, M. (2024). Trade Credits and Visit Frequency: The Role of Order Financing on Logistics Efficiency in the Nanostore Setting. Journal of Operations Management, 70(5), 733-755 - Link

  • Escamilla, R., Brosi, P., Fransoo, J. C., Mora-Quiñones, C. A. & Mejia-Argueta, C. (2024). Tax Privacy Concerns Hamper Digitization of the Nanostore Channel, (Decision Sciences) - Link

  • Fransoo, J. C., Escamilla, R. & Ge, J. (2024). Nanoretail Operations in Developing Markets, (Peer-reviewed invited contribution forthcoming in INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research) - Link

  • Escamilla, R., Fransoo, J. C. & Tang, C. S. (2021). Improving agility, adaptability, alignment, accessibility, and affordability in nanostore supply chains. Production and Operations Management, 30(3), 676-688 - Link

Most downloaded POM paper published in 2021 and third most downloaded POM paper in 2021

Working Papers

  • Escamilla, R., Fransoo, J. C. & Gallino, S. Order-Based Trade Credit and Operational Performance in the Nanostore Retail Channel, (submitted to Manufacturing & Service Operations Management) - Link

  • Escamilla, R., Fransoo, J. C. & Rooderkerk, R. Enhancing Competitiveness of the Nanostore Retail Channel by Providing Value-Added Digital Services, (in preparation for submission to Manufacturing & Service Operations Management)




  • Quantitative Risk Management @ ASU MS in Business Analytics (Offline and Online)

  • Logistics in the Supply Chain @ ASU OMBA

  • Causal Inference in Supply Chain Management @ MIT GCLOG Executive Program

  • Supply Chain Management in the Nanostore Retail Channel @ MIT GCLOG Executive Program

  • Supply Chain Strategy @ Tilburg University

  • Project Management @ Tilburg University

  • Python Tutorials @ KLU


  • Optimization Models @ Monterrey Tech


300 E. Lemon Street

85287 Tempe Arizona

United States​


Rafael Escamilla

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